
OKEx Announced The Listing of Compound DeFi Protocol’s COMP Token

COMP spot trading against USDT started at 6 AM UTC today.

Cryptocurrency exchange OKEx have just listed Compound’s COMP token for trade. 

COMP is the native token of Compound — a DeFi protocol that allows its users to earn interest on deposits or lend cryptocurrencies. Lending and borrowing on Compound are managed through a decentralized peer-to-peer blockchain-based protocol.

After its 2017 launch, the platform grew to reach the top spot among all the DeFi services based on the total value of assets locked, according to DeFi Pulse.

In a June 29 announcement, OKEx stated that COMP spot trading against Bitcoin (BTC) Tether’s USDT stablecoin began at 6 AM UTC today. COMP deposits launched one hour before and withdrawals one hour after trading started.